Lindsay Lohan's father is at it again, telling “The Billy Bush Show” that her relationship with gal pal Samantha Ronson is "toxic."
“Lindsay doesn’t drink or use,” Michael Lohan told Bush on his radio show on Wednesday. “[She] has been responsible with her work, she’s been doing a great job, however drinking and using isn’t the only form of addiction, and the relationship that Lindsay has with Samantha is toxic," he said, calling Ronson a “parasite” who is using Lindsay.
He also thinks Lohan's relationship with Ronson is not a sexual one, and he doesn't think his daughter is a lesbian.
“Absolutely not,” he said. “She dated guys her whole life, she has a relationship with Sam and it’s a friendship because she’s been hurt by so many guys in the past maybe she kind of walked away and found solace and companionship in a girl.
“I don’t believe it’s anything more than a friendship they have,” he continued, “but that’s between Lindsay and God, and Samantha and God.”
Lohan told "Access Hollywood" on Wednesday that her father Michael was “out of control” for speaking out about her personal life.
“I want him to stop hurting and talking to the media about the people I love,” she said, prompting the response from her dad.
Earlier in the week, Michael said in an interview with E! that Ronson was "using" his daughter. He also claims pictures exist of Samantha slipping drinks to Lindsay under a table.
He also told TV Guide on Thursday that he plans on airing out the truth in a one-hour TV special.
Lindsay told "Access" that she hasn’t spoken to her father for some time and Michael claims he’s getting much of his information from her mom, Dina Lohan.
On Thursday, the 22-year-old actress lashed out at her father on her MySpace blog, calling him a "public embarrassment" and a "bully" on MySpace and Ronson "a girl that means the world to me."